February CAM Gem Journal

February CAM Gem Journal


This month I'm sharing a few easy sustainable medicine cabinet swaps, my favorite in season snack and talking about the importance of creative flow


Sustainability Tip

Top 3 Medicine Cabinet Swaps

Bathroom swaps seem to be hard for people because you get your 'self care' routine and when it's working it's working. People are reluctant to mess with that. Also when we think of low waste we tend not to think of the small trash items like Q-tips and floss. All of this adds up in the landfill over time. The floss the container and trillions of Q-tips. I've put a swap for both of these things below. I know sometimes the idea of cleaning a reusable Q-tips seems gross but it's your own gross so get over it. Another item I listed below is a tongue scraper. I feel like most of you have probably seen these at health food stores, but maybe you don't understand the benefits. A scraper allows you to remove the bad bacteria that lingers on the top of your tongue. You might think you can brush it off but that actually pushes it back into your tongue. This aids in oral health as well as preventing some serious bad breath. Easy swaps people. Remember you don't have to go zero or even low-waste overnight. It's about looking around your life to see the small things you can change.
LastSwab Reusable Silicone Cotton Swabs
Organic Bamboo Fibre with Activated Charcoal Floss in Glass Jar
Copper Tongue Cleaner Scraper

Herbs in the Kitchen

Easy and Healthy Snacks

I follow a lot of moms that put out recipes, not only because of course I have kids but mainly because the recipes they put out are generally easy to put together along with healthy. They never do like a million ingredients because that's insane to try and do with kids. So this one is my new favorite. It's so easy. Kale is in season at our market and frankly these 'kale chips' feed the need for that salty greasy snack.

Recipe from @thefamilyfoodproject

Preheat to 400 (she suggested 300 but mine needed hotter)

- Wash, dry and trim ends of FULL kale leaves
- Lay on parchment paper
- Drizzle with oil (she used avocado oil, I used jalapeno olive oil)
- Sprinkle with pink salt
- Bake in the oven for around 10min or until crisp (watch them carefully because they will burn fast)

Podcast I'm Currently Listening To…

How I built this: Tates Bake Shop with Kathleen King

Moon Phases

February 8th Full Moon in Leo at 11:33pm
February 23rd New Moon in Pisces at 7:31am

Spotify Share

Female Energy Pt. 2

Monthly Ritual

Creative Flow: Creativity is good for you and your health

The annoying thing about a creativity flow is you kinda have to feel it. I've had to force that feeling a bit since having kids because you can't just drop in and create whenever you want. So I at least try and create creative time post meditation in the mornings. Having tea meditation seems to set the tone and I can so quickly flow into some creative work.

However, when designing I'll try and take a quick quiet moment of reflection to set the tone. Sometimes I'll light a little aloes wood incense which I use during tea to bring that vibe back. And maybe a little boiled tea on top of that. All those things to me trigger that it's time to be creative. Really you have to find your triggers that signifies to your mind that it's time to let go a bit and allow some magic to happen.

Here’s a helpful podcast that explains the importance of creating space in your life dedicated to creative flow. It shares helpful tips on starting this process for those who need some guidance.
NPR: Life Kit - Marking Art Is Good For Your Heath. Here's How To Start A Habit

Shop Our Favorite Earth To Alloy Styles

Balancing Moonstone Earrings
Silent Summit Ring
Ebb & Flow Moonstone Necklace
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