April Herbs In The Kitchen, Moon Phases, Insta Sales & Saves

April Herbs In The Kitchen, Moon Phases, Insta Sales & Saves

Herbs In The Kitchen

Simple Immunity Tea

There are a lot of people talking about what to do if you are feeling sickness coming on. There are still many sicknesses not associated with corona that are floating around and if you come down with something, chances are it's a simple sickness. However if you're worried one of the simplest things I've heard out there is sipping warm beverages every 20min, so I thought I'd give an easy immune boosting recipe.

I like to do this in a crockpot but you could also boil low and slow on the stove all day if you wanted. Try and get Ceylon Cinnamon sticks because they are generally a little better quality as well as healthier for tea consumption.

In a pot combine:
-2x Ceylon Cinnamon sticks
-1" Fresh Ginger sliced (you don't have to peel)
-Citrus peels. I will be using orange and lemon (because my neighbor has so many at the moment) 


Boil on low or leave in the crockpot overnight. The cinnamon is an immunity stimulator and ginger is an anti-inflammatory as well as immunity support. A new addition for me are the citrus peels which I learned about from @organic_olivia because it's anti-microbial and high in polyphenols. I just leave it in the crockpot on warm for several days and fill up a mug to sip on here and there.



April Moon Phases

April 7th Full Moon in Libra at 7:37pm

April 22nd New Moon in Aries then Taurus at 7:25pm



IG Saves & Purchases

Things I'm Into ...

Vitality Vixen

The Mom To Table

Anima Mundi Herbals

Organic Olivia

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