Important Conversations
The power of your voice. Becoming an active participant in society
Today for Important Conversations I want to bring awareness to pre and postnatal care for BIPOC women. The statistics are depressing. These women are 3-4x more likely to die during childbirth vs. white women. As a woman who has had the privilege to birth at home, I can attest to how disempowering the standardized Western birth process can be as it is structured now. I was able to work outside the system because I have privilege and access to midwives and doulas. The below organizations are looking to bring power, safety and security back to the BIPOC birth community.
I am here to spread awareness on different causes and charities that are making a difference in our community. If you know of something you'd like us to bring awareness to I'd love to hear from you. Just shoot me a text at 310-349-3741.
Black Midwifery Support - Go Fund Me
Herbs in the Kitchen
How to store your fresh greens to keep them longer
I did a video on tiktok about this and apparently it's a novel idea. Your greens are living. If you give them water when you get them home they perk up similarly to a plant. I treat them like a house plant but just in my fridge. I change their water often and it will honestly give you an extra week on your produce which is so worth it.
Watch HERE
Moon Phases
July 4th Full Moon in Capricorn at 9:44pm
July 20th New Moon in Cancer then Leo at 10:32am
Things I'm Into ...
Yuki Kawae
Happy As A Mother
She Colors Nature
Patias Fantasy World